Friday, 22 February 2013

Resource scrounge

Its a lot harder than I thought to find the resources I need for the maths provision.  I went to a LOT of shops, including The Range, B&Q, Homebase and ASDA.  Once again ASDA seemed to be the best option as I managed to find some shiny juggling balls, yay!

I was looking for some kind of tokens for the children to count.  They need to be small enough to hold in their hand and for it to feel precious, but not too small for the babies in our group who might like to swallow them!

Its proving harder to find the things I need in the shops so I'm resorting to hunting through my parents' house.  If your parents' house is like mine, then you're in for a party!  I seem to find a little bit of everything in my parents' house as its a collection of just about anything that has ever happened in the UK.  Sadly usually I only find one of two of everything.  But this time I found in the garden some wonderful Oyster shells!  They've been ornamental but after a thorough clean they're lovely and shiny and ready to sort;)

I'm beginning to realise its much easier and better to scrounge resources from different sources rather than trying to buy them as usually you don't know what you're looking for and the things in shops go through trends.  Usually people hold onto things for a lot longer than shops!

So have a luck and if you know me.. bring some to my classroom;)


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